2007년 4월 2일 월요일

How Many Errors Do You Correct in Your Students' Writing?

In my thought, too many errors correction is not good for students' language learning as a second language. When I started to teach English in the middle school, i spent much time to find errors in my students writing. Of course some outstanding students could correct their frequent errors easily but most students made same errors repeatedly. Moreover many students made very various kinds of errors and they looked like they didn't know the reason why errors were corrected. After I realized that too many errors correction could give negative effects on students confidence, I tried to give attention to functional languages within context instead of language forms. I stimulate my students to make their own expressions including many errors. If the errors don't disturb the whole meaning, I praise my students' writing. These days my students make many creative expressions. For example, one student wrote " My neighbor works for the nation." instead of " One of my neighbors is a government officer." because he didn't know the word, a government officer. As a result, I think too many errors corrections is not necessary if the errors can't be fossilized.

댓글 4개:

cutenety :

I think too much error correction make students avoid trying their English. That's why I try not to correct them much and I'm sure most English teachers think that way.

mush7979 :

It is a tough question to teachers.
In my case, I try to give a lot of chance for making errors within context to students. Then I naturally teach common errors and mistakes among students in class.

white4ever :

I do have same idea with you. When they use Korean English, so called "Konglish", I correct them by giving explanation why that is not appropriate.

caringirl :

I know too much error correction make our students to focus on just grammer not a whole content. As a teacher, however, it is hard to overlook their distinct obvious errors. My co-teacher advised to me. "You are not an error collector but a teacher." I still keep that in my mind.